NOTE: Because our goal is to get to a competency level necessary to pass the A+ certification exam this is NOT an open book or note test.


Accessing files (Windows and DOS)

Autoexec.bat files (contents, editing)

Backup (using the utility, types)


Bootable disks (files, creating)

Bus types and speeds

Cables different characteristics, connecting

Cache memory

Cold booting

Cleaning and maintenance of components

Clock speeds

Command path (targets, sources, destination)

Config.sys files (contents, editing)

CPU types socketing etc. 486, Pentium I, Pentium II, Pentium III

Creating new folders (Windows and DOS)

Directories (character representation)

DMM (how and what they are used for)

DOS files (identifying, creating searching)


Emergency disks, contents, creating and using

ESD precautions

Extended memory uses and drivers (accessing)

File editor

Floppy drive types/disks (sizes, capacities)

Formatting, (DOS and Windows)

Help (using)

High Memory (location)

Input/output devices (controlling)

Internal commands (what they are and location)

IRQ’s what they are and key concepts, how they are assigned, and specific assignments

Keyboards repairing, changing characteristics

MEMMAKER (what it is and uses)

Memory storage cluster, sectors etc. know sizes

Monitor troubleshooting

Mouse repairing and customizing

Move command (using)

Paged memory

Parallel ports

Plug and play
Ports types and uses

            COM ports

            LPT Ports

POST what it is and the sequence

Power consumption (changing)

Power supplies

Power supply connectors

Processors (specific) and their characteristics

Purchasing considerations (a new PC)

Registry (backing up, importing, files, repairing, and deleting)

Relative addressing

Resistance reading in a PC

Scan disk

Serial ports

Short cuts (identification)

Slot one

Start menu (opening)

System files

Trouble shooting procedures

Voltages in a PC

Windows know the different icons, opening, closing etc.